Upscale Your Sales &

Attract More High-End Clients!

discover how to Upscale Your Sales and watch your business SOAR!

Stop Sabotaging Your Sales Process and Start Landing Your Divine High-End Clients!

Here's an all-too-common theme among coaches and spiritual entrepreneurs: "I hate sales!"  I've muttered it under my breath from time to time. You've no doubt felt it, too. We all have. And some people let that self-limiting thought process bring them down, while others learn to overcome it. 

Fear of Sales is Perfectly Normal

Let's face it, no one likes rejection. It hurts to have someone tell you no.

When  you stop to think about it, though, you've been in sales your entire life. You 'sold' your mom on moving your curfew to midnight. You 'sold' your kids on going to bed peacefully. You 'sold' your spouse on seeing that movie or dining at that restaurant. 

You already 'do' sales. And you're good at it! Now you just need to...

OvercomeYour Anxiety

There is an endless array of self-help books, blogs and courses designed to:

  • Boost your confidence
  • Improve your 'elevator' speech
  • Help you make the sale
  • Reveal the psychological 'triggers' that prompt sales
  • Write a killer sales script

Not only that, but sales coaches will tell you it's all just a numbers game. Speak to enough prospects and you know a certain percentage will buy.

But there's an easier way...

Pursue Relationships, Not Sales

You don't have to be a hard sell, loud and abrasive sales person to bring in the best clients in your Divine Market. In fact, when it comes to attracting high-end clients, a softer, more heart-centered approach is the best choice. 

It's called relationship marketing. And when done properly, you will easily fill your programs and services with clients you love and who will happily wait in line to work with you!

Introducing the...
Upscale Your Sales

Formula For Attracting High-End Clients

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You Are Four Weeks Away From More Reach, More Revenue and More High-End Clients!

Take Your Heart-Centered Business To The Next Level!

Isn't it time you stopped playing in the minor leagues and joined the all-star players instead? You know you have the skills. You have the knowledge and experience. You just need to make a few changes in your mindset and branding - and the leap to superstar status will be yours!

If you want to start attracting the high-end clients you know you deserve, then this course was made for you! In it, you will be shown step-by-step exactly what you need to do to realize your dream of working with high-caliber clients who value you and know your worth - and who are eager to invest in your premium programs and services - even in a rapidly changing economy!

Here's What You'll Achieve During Our 4 Weeks Together...

Module 1: Break Your Sales Mindset Barriers

Create a solid foundation by taking a look at the mindset shifts that can transform your sales results from so-so to spectacular!

As with most things, mindset matters, so in Module One you're going to start off strong with...

  • 5 common, self-limiting beliefs - if you can identify these spirit-killers, they'll be easier to eliminate from your life and business. 
  • Why spiritual entrepreneurs seem to suffer from self-sabotage more than others - and how even well-meaning family members can cause distress.
  • How to change your deeply ingrained beliefs surrounding money - breaking down this wall can cause a massive shift in your earning power!
  • Why even those we see as most successful often feel like frauds - simply realizing that you're not alone can be enough to boost your confidence.
  • 7 ways to position yourself as the expert you are - with these simple elements in place, your sales will suddenly become easier!
  • What every spiritual entrepreneur must know about timing - this one tip can turn the tides in your favor.
  • 3 tips for crafting powerful calls to action - this copywriting skill will continue to serve you for the rest of your business life.

Module 2: Upscale Your Sales

Now that you've cast away those self-limiting thoughts and changed your mindset for the better, it's time to upscale your Divine Client profile.

Module Two walks you through the products and programs that will attract those high-end clients in your Divine Market, including...

  • 5 must-have components for your first high-end offer - miss even one of these and your new high-end client won't see the value.
  • 4 simple methods for adding value to your offers - these easy tips have your products and programs look and feel much more luxurious and create more value
  • How to write a compelling offer email - this will be the core of your marketing efforts, so be sure to include these 7 elements for best results.
  • The key for getting over your shyness - this one tip will change the way you think about sales forever.
  • 3 powerful 'foot-in-the-door' tactics - and where to use them.
  • The 3-letter word that high-end clients must understand - and the easy way to make your point.

Let's be clear. If you really want to up your game, landing Divine high-end clients is a must. Module Two will give you the tools and tactics you need to succeed.

Module 3: Package Every Aspect of Your Business for High-End Clients

If you want to attract high-end clients, you have to look and act like everything you do is of the best quality. 

Module Three will help you refine your message and present a high-quality, high-value look to prospective clients in your Divine Market, including...

  • 6 common mistakes that can have spiritual entrepreneurs look bad - eliminate these blunders and you'll automatically stand out from the crowd.
  • The easy, affordable tool that makes creating professional landing pages a breeze - you don't want to miss this one.  
  • 5 simple ways to make your clients feel special - make it a point to include these elements and your clients will sing your praises.
  • The fine art of naming your programs and offers - get this right and your Divine Clients will know instantly that you are the perfect choice for them. 
  • The number one way to make the most of your new, high-end brand - if you do nothing else, this is a must. Skip it and you'll continue to struggle.
  • How to get out of your comfort zone - so you can start commanding the prices you deserve. 

Branding is more than simply putting pretty colors and fonts on your website. It's everything your prospective clients see, from the language you use to the gracious way you welcome new clients. Module Three helps bring all of those pieces together for a winning brand that speaks to just the right clients in your Divine Market. 

Module 4: Set Yourself Up For High-End Sales and Success

It's nice to think that you can simply change the prices in your shopping cart and start charging higher fees. But it's not that simple. To make the biggest impact, you must first have your foundation solidly in place. 

In Module Four, you'll discover...

  • 1 easy way to stop wasting your time on the wrong clients - while simultaneously attracting the right high-end clients!
  • 2 follow-up strategies that work really well - and won't suck up all your available time. 
  • Why inviting questions from all your fans and followers is a great strategy - the reason will probably surprise you.
  • When to consider an affiliate program - and the one reason it can hurt more than help.
  • 8 easy ways to build that all-important social proof - and why this is even more important today than it has ever been.
  • How to make way for the important work - stop wasting time on the drudgery that saps your energy and distracts you from more important tasks.

This Could Be A Real Game Changer For You!

If you have a passion for the transformation you provide, you have an abundance of high-end clients in your Divine Market looking for you! Are you positioned to attract them? This is your opportunity to get your business set up for more reach and more revenue and position you at the top of your Divine Market!


Success Coach Reaches $100,000 In Six Months!

I needed someone who was playing a seven-figure game to mentor me. I reached $100,000 in six months working half the hours. I knew it would have taken me years on my own! You rock my world! 

Ellany Lea


Graphic Designer Lands A Six-Figure Gig!

I just got a gig making six figures! I have 10 associations working with me and profits beyond what I ever imagined! I am just amazed. So many clients are calling me for orders! You are truly at the top of my list of people who walk the talk and have the ability to actually help others to walk their talk too! 

Joan Vaughn


Spiritual Entrepreneur Triples Her Fees and Gets Three New Clients!

I am making more money, keeping more of it and opportunities are everywhere for a lot more! I nearly tripled my fees and have three new clients at the new fees! There is even more, but this is the most tangible stuff. The real power I feel is in the INNER shifts.

Sharon Wilson


Profits In Her Tutoring Business Are Steady and Increasing

I was challenged by doing the work and maintaining the focus on what I wanted. Our client base for the new tutoring business continues to grow. Our profit is steady and increasing! The business is definitely moving forward and the changes in organization are under way! 

Melissa Long


Intuitive Business Coach Adds $19,200 To Her Income!

I am exploring opportunities to do work in TV, recreating my business from 1-on-1 clients to more groups, classes and products. I increased my income by an additional $19,200 by adding one group program!

Elizabeth Barbour


Chiropractor Lands 30 New Clients

I reached my goal of 30 new clients a month! Collections were the highest they've ever been this month. The leads are coming in. The pipeline is filling. I'm in a better headspace - not so overwhelmed with what to do. Things are happening all over the place without the effort I thought I needed! 

Maybel Reyes

Here's The Support You'll Receive
For Your Ultimate Success!

4 Power-Packed Online Modules ($1,000.00 Value)

By the end of this course, you will be positioned to build deep and lasting client connections that position you perfectly to serve high-end clients...even in challenging times!

Videos, Audios, Action Plans, Checklists and Templates ($500.00 Value)

You'll receive special action plans, templates and checklists with each module so you'll know exactly what to do and when, each step of the way.  

Total Value for Upscale Your Sales: $1,500.00

This has been my best year in business! I increased my coaching fees. And more than doubled my client base. This was the first time my investment in a coach and coaching program helped me significantly grow my business.

Maria Lesetz

The training has literally transformed my coaching practice in dollars and "sense". My monthly coaching has tripled and my coaching clients are ever grateful!

Melissa Pierce

I have more confidence, more clients, set higher fees and grew my list bigger. I've added income streams to my business and developed a whole social networking presence I didn't have before!

- Ruth Hegarty

I have increased my 1-on-1 client base and I've increased my fees! And now it's just so easy because I know that's what I deserve.

Linda Cassell

I am much better at bringing on clients and more comfortable charging higher fees. I now see and believe in my value and am able to articulate that value to my clients. AND I am making more money! I doubled my income within two months!

Mary Ann Bailey

I attracted 15 new Reiki clients in 3 weeks! Much love and gratitude!

- Kerrie MacDonald

Eva Gregory is an award-winning transformation catalyst and business mentor leading spiritual entrepreneurs from chaos to clarity to cash flow!

She helps coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale to six figures and beyond by integrating Inner Guidance with proven business strategies that are working today to attract high-end clients in an ever-changing market.

The combination of practical, step-by-step business training and intuitive spiritual awareness is what sets her apart from others in her field.

Giveaway Details:
• The Heart of Coaching Giveaway runs from Monday, February 6 to Saturday, February 18, 2023, ending at midnight Pacific.
• All "The Heart of Coaching Giveaway" contributors are independent business owners and are operating with, but SEPARATELY from the "Heart of Coaching Giveaway" promotion.

Apparently we're required to tell you that the experiences from past clients are not a promise that you'll generate the same results. These folks were committed to following our lead and doing what it takes to create their success. What we do works - when you work it. Unfortunately, the average person doesn't do that, They don't follow through or implement and therefore get lackluster results. The caliber of folks who work with us understand this. But for those who need it laid out for them, well, this is it. 

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